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North hillingdon Methodist Church

260  Long Lane Hillingdon Middlesex UB10 9PB


Boys’ Brigade gives boys the opportunity to play games and do gym, make new friends.

 Learn to Work as a team, and engage with other young people. The young people are encouraged to be involved in decision making and learn to take responsibility appropriate to their age and ability.

There are camps, quizzes and competitions. The band has been regularly to the London Marathons and Lord mayor’s show  

All the staff are trained and CRB checked.

We meet during term time on

 Tuesday nights

Anchors 5-8 yrs  5.30-7 pm.

Juniors 8-10 yrs 6.30-8 pm.

Company 11-18 yrs 8-10 pm.

Thursday nights

Company 11-18 yrs 7.30- 10 pm.

For more information please contact

Alan Pannell 01895 622 859
