North Hillingdon Methodist Church and Covid-19

   Dear friends,

Our thoughts go out to all of you who have been affected by this unprecedented event.
We hope and pray you are all well.

Your health and the health of our church family are our absolute priority.
This is just to remind you that there are a number of different options to join in worship on Sunday morning.
There will be services at North Hillingdon at 9.30am and Hayes End at 11.00am.
If you are happy and confident to come then it would lovely to meet you face to face. If you would prefer to stay at home I am continuing to send out a reading,
reflection and a prayer (as I have been doing since March).
If you choose to come to either North Hillingdon or Hayes End, things will feel very different.

People in both churches are taken time and effort to make sure that we can worship in the safest way possible.
Risk assessments and action plans have been completed,
the Church has been cleaned and there will be good ventilation. Before and leaving church, you will need to use hand sanitiser.
And we’ll need to keep at record (with contact details) of who attends.
Stewards will guide you to a seat, to keep safe social distancing. There will be no singing, which means that services will be shorter.
And once the service is over we will need to leave church.
We can’t serve tea and coffee yet, so if you want to chat please do this outside.
On Friday lunchtime the government announced that masks will be required in church from Sunday 9 August.

Please do not attend church if you still have to be isolated, if you are unwell or have possible Covid-19 symptoms,
or if you do not feel confident or safe at the moment. I hope these different options will enable you to join in worship in a day that you feel comfortable.

with love and prayers

Rev Ken

P.S For more information about Coronavirus , go to

Updated 02/08/2020